About the clinic
Our clinic is a fully equipped treatment facility that is designed to offer to patients a comfortable dialysis service to aid them towards their full recovery into society.
Inside the Center Free Wi-Fi, 2 private rooms available

Presently, the number of patients requiring chronic dialysis treatment continues to rise by 13,000 patients per annum. Under these circumstances, the Holonics Group is working to expand its dialysis facilities in order to be able to treat as many patients as possible.
Furthermore, in order for our patients to be able to receive dialysis treatment with peace of mind, the Clinic maintains close cooperation with other hospitals and offers a broad system of treatment covering everything from complications related to dialysis through to shunt trouble and rehabilitation. Enshrined in the corporate philosophy of the Holonics Group, the Center does not merely provide dialysis services, instead we strive to do all we can “to improve the QOL (Quality of Life) of our patients”.
2 Private Rooms Available
Our clinic provides 2 private rooms available.
About companions at dialysis clinics
We do not allow companions inside the clinic. However, if you are staying in a private room, only family memb ers can accompany you. We have established rules regarding escorts, so please follow the staff's instructions.
Water Quality Control
Water quality control is undertaken at the Clinic using an endotoxin densimeter and based on the Guidelines for Dialysis Fluid Purification. Moreover, all of the dialysis monitoring apparatus in the Clinic are fitted with endotoxin cut filters. We have expended all possible ways to develop a system for ensuring the purification of our dialysis fluids.
Dialysis can be a challenging treatment for a patient to endure, due to having to maintain the same position for long periods of time while the treatment is being administered. At the Clinic we have specialist staff that attend patients at their bedside and offer the following treatments to prevent and reduce muscle stiffness and joint pain:
- Hot pack (Warming therapy)

Osaka Dialysis Center
Osaka Umeda Iseikai Dialysis Clinic http://www.iseikai-dialysis.jp/osaka-umeda/en/index.html
Ideally located in the center of Osaka, the best area for any transportation.
- Monday through Friday:1000am-1100pm
- Saturday:0900am-0700pm